MCP Environmental were appointed by National Grid to replace perimeter fencing for several high voltage pylons in Redbridge, London.
The pylons are integral to the national distribution network, located in inaccessible densely vegetated areas. The chain link perimeter fence was damaged and in urgent need of repair to ensure the integrity of the site.
Homeless people had gained access to the pylon base through the damaged fence, erecting temporary shelters, risking electrocution through arcing and disruption to the network supply. The site had also become home to wild horses around the pylons.
The site posed a significant health and safety risk for the homeless people and horses. Safety was paramount with the homeless people and horses relocated. The site was cleared of rubbish including sharps precautions using a 36” magnetic sweeper unit, due to widespread needle use at the site.
The reinstatement of the chain link fence ensured unauthorised access was restricted, facilitating maintenance teams to work safely and securely on site. Local wildlife including adders was a primary concern.